Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025




            The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of S&T, Kerala, constituted in November 2002 to be an agency for change and development through Science and Technology. Formerly it was the Science, Technology and Environment Committee (STEC), established in 1972 in concurrence with the Science Policy of Government of India. The council promotes and activates programmes for increasing the stock of knowledge in science, and fine tunes policies which are significant and for the sustained development of humanity. The council prepares the road map for development through scientific research and innovation in technologies. Achieving excellence in basic research, academia-industry interactions, strengthening indigenous initiatives, and building strong infrastructure and developing a high quality science education system in the state are our targeted goals. This has been achieved through various schemes and programs and by the R &D organisations established by the council. 

  Main functions of the State Council


  • Plan, formulate and implement Science and Technology Promotion and other related research and development programmes.  
  • Provide overall guidance to the programmes and the developments of R&D centres of the Council.  
  • Withdraw and disburse the grant-in-aid funds from the Government and sponsoring agencies to R&D Centres and other grant-in-aid institutions.


                   The decisions of the State Council and Executive Committee are implemented by the Council Headquarters (CHQ) based in Thiruvananthapuram. The functions of CHQ are carried out under the overall guidance of Executive Vice President who is also the ex-officio Principal Secretary of Science & Technology Department (S&TD). The executive functions are administered by the Member Secretary. The Science and Technology programmes are managed by the Principal Scientific Officers, Scientific Officers and other staff members, both technical as well as administrative. There are eight institutions under the ambit of KSCSTE are mentioned here.