Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Community structure of benthic macro-invertebrate fauna of Mangalavan mangroves, bird sanctuary, and adjacent non-vegetated habitat
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. R.Sunil Kumar, Lecturer, Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 2,53,000/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The objective of the study was to document the species composition with spatial and temporal variation in BEBTHIC Macro organism of and adjoining area of Cochin. The nature and textural characteristics of sediments and concentration of organic carbon was also attempted. The accumulation of pollutants on the soil habitat of the mangrove inhabited area was also worked out. The study areas were divided in to two zone, a vegetated zone and a non vegetated zone. Sediment sampling was done using a box corer analysis of Benthic organism was carried out and estimated biomars of organism.
Project Tile: Tectonic and hydrologic control on late Pleistocene- Holocene landforms paleoforest and non-forest vegetation; Southern Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. K.M. Nair, Director, Vakkom Moulavi Foundation Trust Thekkummoodu,Thiruvananthapuram
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 5,30,184/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The project aimed at clarifying the role of tectonics and hydrology in moulding the landforms and forests and non forests vegetations in South Kerala sedimentary basin. The offshore sedimentary province adjacent to the peninsular west coast is divided in to Bombay offshore basin in the north and Konkan Kerala basin in the South.
The project aims to identify some of the seasonal to perennial wetland as well as other area were fossil woods are located, collection of such samples and compare subsurface data of coastal plains. Carried out sedimentological and limited geochemical studies. So find out depositioned environment and paleo ecology and delineated the tectonic events.
Biogenic transformations of Mercury in Vembanadu Lake, Kerala State
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. (Mrs.) V. Sobha, Professor & Head, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, University of Kerala
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 8,44,700/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
Vembanad backwater system has been identified one of the mercury pollution hot spots of the country. Heavy metal pollution from is ultimately reaching the Vembanad lake system. The Travancore Cochin Chemical Limited FICT and Fertilizes Chemicals Travancore Ltd are other reported source of Mercury pollution. In Vembanad lake mercury can be of reverine input containing industrial affluence, sewage input from municipal sources and agriculture run from upstream waters. The shallow lake system may be an ideal site for mercury methalization since anoxic conditions and a high organic content are present in sediments. Both factors favouring bacterial methalization process. Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB) can methalate mercury. Thereby facilitating its remobilization and accumulisation in the water and biota. The heavy metal carried along from the Udyogamandal industrial estate to the lake system via Periyar river, constitutes a long term threat to aquatic life and bios and humans. The project aims to determine the total mercury in water and Mehg in surfacial sediments from the Vembanad lake. It also aims to determine the contribution of SRB to methyl mercury formation. By MPN techniques and to specifically examine the physico – chemical factors in the lake that may influence methalization process. The physic-chemical parameters of the lake and sediments were analysed following standard procedures.
Sustainable and site specific rain water harvesting methods for the over-exploited Chirayinkeezh Block-South Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Rajesh Reghunath , Lecture,Dept. of Geology
University of Kerala
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 527600/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The project aims to evaluate problems and factors which contribute towards the critical issues related to the water environment of Chirayinkeezh block. It also aims to find out suitable size and sustainable site, specific method for water consideration and artificial recharging of ground water. Also proposed appropriate measures to ensure the sustainability of each groundwater development. Public water supply schemes in Chirayinkeezh block and to develop a suitable water management strategy. The geology morphometric studies of the depth to water table measurements, water table fluctuations, determination of aquifer parameters, water quality analysis, estimation of ground water assessment and detection of suitable site for artificial ground water recharge.
Environmental impact assessment of anthropogenic geomorphic modifications in Kottayam - Kumarakom areas, Kottayam District, Kerala.
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Gangadhar K, Assistant Professor in Geology, University College, Thiruvananthapuram
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 3,39,937/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The objective of the project was to study the environmental impact of the anthropogenic modification of landforms in the Kottayam – Kumarakam area in Kottayam District by focusing on the groundwater scenario. The study has been carried out the employing field studies, collection of samples, topo sheets, imageries and literature available with various illustrations. The study was focused on impacts due to top soil mining and reclamation activities on land and water environment.
Assessment of ground water potential to evolve strategies for water resource management of Chellur watershed to the downstream of Bharathapuzha River basin, Malappuram District, Kerala, using remote sensing and GIS
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. V A Ayisha, Selection Grade Lecturer, MES Ponnani College
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 3, 71,447/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The objective of the study was to develop a GIS model for identifying the ground water potential zones. To locate favourable zone of ground water recharge, to develop plants for the proper rain water harvesting sectors to plan ground water quality management and to develop strategies for water resource management to a sustainable development, the study area by using the excersing resources and conducting awareness programmes on ground water management for ensuring people participation. The hydro geological details including well inventory, hydro geochemistry, remote sensing and GIS were employed on the study.
Optimal sand mining from Kerala rivers
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. Binoy Alias M, Chief Co-Ordinator, M.A College of Engineering, Kothamangalam.
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 8, 62,346/-
3 years
Abstract of the Work:
The present study is a stretch of Periyar River from Malayatoor to Aluva. The scientific solution for the crisis of sand mining needs an optimization of sand removal. Knowledge of sand inflow at each section is the key part of determination of optimal sand and removel. The theory of Bed load transport model was employed on the study and factors affecting sediment yield from the watershed were considered. Estimation of bed load was done by analytical methods. The river characteristics data like cross section, slope, collection of discharge data etc where also taken in to the account
Development of low cost technology for the analysis of bacterial contamination in drinking water in Vellanad Block
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Shri. Christudas, Director, The Dale View, Vellanad, Thiruvananthapuram
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 99,000/-
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
Women in the Vellanad panchayath constitute the target training were given them on safe drink inking water.Trainings were given them on purification of drink inking water by adopting cost effective technologies. The linkages between water sanitation and health were focused through S&T interventions.
Study on salt water intrusion and delineation of fresh ground water potential zones in the Ponnani coastal aquifer, Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. K. Gopalakrishna, Selection Grade Lecturer, MES Ponnani, College
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 5,66,799/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The project aims to conduct studies to understand the process of ground water contamination and their lateral and vertical extent for planning, management and development of coastal aquifers of the Ponnani area. The hydro - geology, ground water level fluctuation, water quality analysis, geo-resistively methods etc were employed.
Development of portable instrument for monitoring of nutrients in natural waters
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. B. Vijayalekshmi Amma, Technical Officer E1, Regional Research Laboratory (CSIR), Thiruvananthapuram
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 6,76,341/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The project was undertaken to develop portable analytic nutrient analysis. The objective of the work is to develop low coast portable instrument for nutrient analysis which can be convenient to use in field studies and assisting water quality in various part of Kerala. The flow injection analysis system in combination with flow through absorbance detectors were used for constructing field developable instruments. For the nitrite measurements the color chemistry based on Griess-Losvag reaction was used. In the case of nitrate and online reduction to nitrite with copperized cadmium colum was used before Griess- Losvag reaction. The phosphate measurement was carried out based on molebdinar chemistry. The applicable of portable instrument was demonstrated by conducting field studies.
Study on coastal green belting and ecosystem reconstruction in the Tsunami affected areas of Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. P.K. Shaji, Scientist, Environmental Resources Research Centre (ERRC), Thiruvananthapuram
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 4,78,405/-
3 years
Abstract of the Work:
The study aimed at analysing the state of vegetation cover and composition of the coastal belt of Kollam and Alappuzha districts and documenting the level of changes that have occurred in the tsunami affected ecosystems, and to evolve agrotechnologies for ecological rehabilitation of the coast, based on mangrove afforestation and agroforestry management. The study include grid-wise taxonomic/vegetation survey of the coastal belt of Kollam and Alappuzha districts, collection of local information on the ravages caused by the disaster, assessment of changes in vegetation pattern and composition in the tsunami affected locations, assessment of the physicochemical characteristics of soil and water, collection of information on the economic/traditional uses of the agroforestry resources ,preparation of spatial distribution maps for important component species of coastal vegetation, preparation of inventory of agroforestry resources of the coastal areas, identification of appropriate species for agroforestry/green belt development, mapping of potential areas for coastal agroforestry, and development of environmentally compatible economically viable agroforestry packages for the coastal areas
Development of a Depository of Resource Planning and Management capacity building spatial and non-spatial Digital Data (DDRPMDD)
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. A N Manoharan, Assistant Geologist, Directorate of Mining and Geology, Tvpm
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 8,19,370/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
A sustainable mineral/building stone resource exploitation and utilization is the need for the hour. Therefore proper management of mining/quarrying and resource estimation is important for providing accurate and upto date information on regular basis to the planners and decision makers. Scattered mineral/building stone data in various formats is available with the Dept. of Mining and Geology and other departments and academic institutions. The present study aimed to compile all of the available spatial and non-spatial mineral/building stone data on a GIS platform. This information system is to provide all basic information related to mineral/building stone deposit of Kerala in a most cost effective manner. The product will act as a digital library of baseline cartographic data as well as a mineral resource information system of the State.
Biomedical waste inventory of Thiruvananthapuram district
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Member Secretary, Kerala State Pollution Control Board
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
6 months
Abstract of the Work:
A meaningful and scientific management of biomedical waste can be possible only with the proper inventorisation of the health care institutions. Ten health care facilities in the district representing each type of Health Care Establishments (HCE) were selected and conducted detailed study. The study mainly focused on the quantity and type of waste, existing waste management practices and to prepare a waste management plan for each type of HCE with development of a waste management policy plan for HCE.
Estimation of mapping of fluoride concentration in three Panchayaths of Chittur
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Prof. P K Ravindran, Registrar, IRTC
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
The present study proposed to chemically examine the drinking water sources in three Panchayaths of Chittur Block, viz Nalleppilly,Pattenchery and Kozhinjampara by focusing on the fluoride problems . Based on the studies fluoride contaminated water sources of the area are to be mapped. This will help people to avoid using water sources, contaminated with fluoride, for drinking purpose. The study also Proposed to conduct awareness programmes to the public for highlighting the fluoride problems and its remedial measures.
Development of drought indices for Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
K.D. Nambudiripad, Scientist, Centre for Environment Development, Tvpm
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
The broad objective of the project is to develop indices that define the severity of droughts for the unique characteristics of Kerala State. This include ,identification of the parameters that faithfully describe the phenomenon of drought, develop a logical formulation for defining the severity of drought, possibly using an ecological approach and considering the relevant parameters, validate the formulation using secondary data and develop weightage factors and to do this on a seasonal, annual ,two and three year periods. The meteorological data, hydrological data, agricultural data, Energy generation data were collected and analysed for estimating meteorological drought, hydrological drought, agricultural drought, energy- drought and combined indices have been worked out.
Conducting awareness and training programme for all the health care personnel and implementation of integrated hospital waste management plan
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Smt. M. Reema Banarjee, CEE, Kannur
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
The project aims to implement an integrated Health Care Waste Management plan(IHWMP) for PHCs, CHCs, Govt. hospitals and private labs in and around Kannur district and to gather data regarding prevalent waste management practices, short comings, quality and quantity of waste generated in the covered HCES. Awareness and training programmes were conducted for all the health care personnel for proper management of biomedical waste in their HCEs and occupational safety as per Biomedical Waste Management & Handling rules,1998
Fracture aquifer of Kerala coast-identification and management
Name of PI and Affiliation:
P. Radhakrishnan Nair, Director, AGES
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
Rs. 1,70,000/-
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The objective of this project is to evolve a working plan for the judicious use and proper management of the fracture acquifers in the coastal area of Thiruvananthapuram.The work included of different steps,which consists identification and delineation of fracture acquifers,evaluate their groundwater worthiness, study the hydrochemistry of the well waters, delineation of probable recharge zones to these aquifers,and make suggestions for these effective management. Altogether fifty three wells in the study area were monitored for their quality and quantity parameters.Electric resistivity studies were carried out in twenty one locations within the study area to collect details enabling identification of the fracture acquifers.
Assessment of drinking water quality problems associated with industrial and agricultural activities and salinity intrusion in Calicut district
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Sr. Jesiamma Joseph, Lecturer Senior Grade, Providence Women’s College, Calicut
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
The study was undertaken to evaluate the quality of drinking water in the wells of Calicut district. A comprehensive picture pollution status of soil from the surrounding areas of wells was also attempted along with primitive measures for water quality improvements. The study focused on wells in (a) agricultural area (b) industrial estate near north east of Calicut (c) Salinity intrusion prone area of coastal area. Water/ Soil samples were collected for analysis .Well and health questioner survey conducted.
Biodiversity assessment, nutritional status and economic evaluation of non-target species wasted by trawlers in the fishing harbors of Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr.A. Bijukumar, Lecturer, NSS College, Pandalam
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
2 years
Abstract of the Work:
The study has been conducted to documentation of biodiversity associated with the trawl by catch of Kerala coast and preparation of species level, Inventory of associated level species; analysis of the quantity of by catch in fishing harbours and discards onboard by experimental trawl. Documentation of bio - chemical constituents dominated by catch species and socio-economic aspect relates with trawl by catch were also attempted. Regular monthly sampling of trawl done for six fishing harbours of Kerala coast during May 2004-April 2006. In order to assess the quality as well as quantity associated with trawl by catch in Kerala coast.
Assessment of salt and nutrient uptake capacity of heavy mineral coastal sediments of Tsunami affected areas of Kerala
Name of PI and Affiliation:
Dr. V. Sivanandan Achari, Lecturer, School of Environmental Sciences, CUSAT
Amount of Grant Sanctioned:
1 year
Abstract of the Work:
Chloried uptake by black and rich soil of tsunami affected area of Alappuzha coast has been studied under laboratory conditions to evaluate the uptake parameters to simulate the soil- natural water interaction of the region. The study has been conducted in batch reacter under varing conditions of contact pH and concentrations. Equlibrium contact time required to saturate the soils are found to be 3 hours and the optimum pH range of the study has been 6.5 – 9.0. However, an optimum pH is not distinct for any of the sample studied.All the soil followed a TPE III isotherm profile with Langmuir type with straight line behaviour. The monolayer uptake capacities of the four samples are found to be 2.86, 2.29, 2.09 and 1.36mg/l respectively. These finding will be used for modelling of the soil column behaviour of the region by simulation studies.