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| Last Updated:: 15/03/2025

Coastal Environment


                  Most of the dynamic processes which have been occurred within the coastal zones produce diverse and productive ecosystems. Coastal margins equate to only 8% of the worlds surface area but provide 25% of global productivity. As populations in coastal areas increase and the economic activity diversifies, all the impacts on coastal environment are bound to worsen threatening survival several species, productivity of the biota, and render fishing an unsustainable proposition. It is, therefore, clear that unless governments and resource users take appropriate action, the degradation of the coastal and marine environment will become uncontrollable and there will be no possibilities for sustainable use of resources from these waters.


Kerala Coastal Zone Management Plan Maps 2019







► Kerala Coastal Zone Management Plan Maps 2011 

► Important Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Areas(ICMBAs) in Kerala

► District wise Distribution of Coastline of Kerala

► List of the economically important seaweeds of Kerala coast


Cadastral Level Western Ghats Eco-Sensitive Areas in Kerala

Coastal Regulation Zone Notification 2019 with Amendments (Upto 24.11.2022)

Standard Operating Procedure for Processing of application as per CRZ Notification 2019