State Fruit
State Fruit - Jack Fruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)
Scientific Classification
Common Name
Scientific Name
Artocarpus heterophyllus
Description: Medium-sized evergreen tree [8–25 (–30) m tall]; stem straight, of diameter 30–80 (–200) cm, branching near the base, rarely buttressed; twigs sometimes covered with minute hairs; crown dome-shaped, sometimes pyramidal, dense; exudes a white gummy latex when damaged.
Origin: Bangladesh, India, Malaysia.
Distribution: The jackfruit is most probably indigenous to (and in the past grew wild in) the rain forests of the Western Ghats, India. Since time immemorial it has been cultivated; it was introduced and became naturalized in many parts of the tropics, particularly in the South-East Asian region.
Uses of Jackfruit: The ripe fruit is mostly relished as such or used to make delectable desserts, jams, jellies, cakes, ice creams, and smoothies. The unripe fruit has a mild taste and meat-like texture that imparts itself to being called healthy vegetable meat. It is largely used in South and Southeast Asian culinary domains. In addition, unripe fruits are seeded and fried, which is sold as jackfruit chips. This delicious fruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, while in India two southern states - Kerala and Tamil Nadu have professed their love for this fruit by declaring it as official state fruit. Jackfruit goes by several vernacular names such as Pala Pazham /Palli Kai in Tamil, Chakka in Malayalam, Panasakai in Telugu, Halasu/Halasina Hannu in Kannada, Kathal /Katahal in Hindi, Kanthal in Bengali, Phanas in Gujarati, Marathi, and Oriya.
Nutritional Content In Jackfruit: Jackfruit is an excellent source of key nutrients, including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It offers about 155 calories in one cup serving, where 92% of the calories come from carbs and rest from protein and a minimal amount of fat. It is distinct from other similar types of fruits such as apples and mangoes, as it offers 3 grams of protein per serving. Jackfruit contains almost every vitamin and mineral that the body needs for overall health and well-being. Aside from this, the seeds boast a punch of nutrients including proteins, vitamin B complex, iron, calcium, zinc, copper, potassium, and magnesium. As the tree withstands tropical climatic conditions, it is a chief source of calories and carbs for people in developing countries who are at risk of starvation. Furthermore, jackfruit contains phytonutrient traits like anti-cancer, antioxidant, antihypertensive, anti-ulcer, and anti-inflammatory that help in fighting oxidative stress lowers the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, triggers immune activity, and promotes skin and hair health.
Health Benefits of Jackfruit
• Prevents Cancer
• Regularize Blood Sugar
• Augments Heart Health
• Controls Blood Pressure
• Promotes Wound Healing
• Supports Digestive Health
Nutritional and Health Benefits of Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.): A Review, International Journal of Food Science by R. A. S. N. Ranasinghe, S. D. T. Maduwanthi and A. U. J. Marapana