Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Monday, December 23, 2024


1.      What are the different levels of competition for NCSC?

Children’s Science Congress is conducted in three levels where the child scientists and their project works are evaluated using certain criteria. The District level Children’s Science Congress is the first level in which projects are screened for presentation at the State level Congress, the second level. 16 Projects as per State-wise quota are selected from the State level for the National Children’s Science Congress, the third and the final.


2.      How to register in National Children’s Science Congress?


The Registration forms are available in the website. One copy of the duly filled registration forms countersigned by the Head of the Institution along with Project reports and log book on or before 5 P.M on 13th November 2012 has to be sent to the District Co-ordinators of respective districts.


3.      Who are eligible to participate in NCSC?


It is open for children in the age of 10 to 14 years (lower age group) and from 14+ to 17 years (upper age group) as on December 31st 2012.

  • A group of children not exceeding five, can do the project under a teacher guide.
  • A child scientist, who had already presented as a Group Leader at the National Level in one age-group, can act as a co-worker in the subsequent year, in the same age group (lower /upper).
  • Parents, whose child would participate in the Children’s Science Congress in the ensuing year, should not hold any portfolio in the organizing committee of the CSC conducted at any level.


4.      What is the Age limit of the participants of NCSC?


It is open for children in the age of 10 to 14 years (lower age group) and from 14+ to 17 years (upper age group) as on December 31st 2012.



5.      Where to send the Registration forms?


The duly filled registration forms certified by the Head of the Institution have to be submitted to the respective District Co-ordinators along with the Project Report and Log Book. (Address of District Co ordinators are available in the website)


6.      How many teams can participate in the Competition from a School?


A maximum of one team from Junior group and one from Senior group can be represented from a School in the State Level CSC Competition subject to Evaluation Criteria.


7.      Who will be the leader of the Project?


Any member of the project who actively participates in the whole process of the project, with good communication skill and knowledge of the project done can be the leader of the project. There is no rule that the eldest student of the group should be the leader.


8.      How to write the Project?


Project may either be hand written/be DTP on one side of A4 size paper. Language could be Malayalam/English. Word limit is 2500 for Junior group and 3500 for Senior group. If the project is in Malayalam, one copy of the abstract in English  should be attached along with the project.


9.      Where to submit the Completed Projects?


The Project Report along with the Registration form and Log book should be submitted to the District Co ordinators on or before 5pm on 13/11/12. One copy of the above should be kept with the participants.


10.  How to present a project?


Oral presentation in the technical sessions is a very important component of the entire process. Effective communication, objectives, and methodology adopted for the study, important observation and findings, vital aspects on the way and approach to solve the problem are very critical part of the exercise. Children can use 4 different posters (which is mandatory). Poster must be prepared on 55 cm x 70 cm (21.6" x 27.5") drawing sheets (i.e. chart papers). If needed power point presentation or OHP sheets may be used. The posters should contain information on (1) The project title, (2) Names of the group members, (3) Objectives, (4) Map of the area, (5) Methodology, (6) Results, (7) Conclusion, (8) Solution to the problem. Depending upon the nature of the project the poster may or may not have a map and/or results.


11.   Is working model and photographs allowed for the presentation?


Working model is allowed for presentation but are not encouraged and no additional marks are given for this. 3-4 photos are also permitted for the presentation.


12.  What is the time allotment for Oral Presentation?


The duration of the presentation is only 8 minutes. There will be a bell after the 7th minute, it is a warning bell. At the 8th minute there will be a second bell. The child scientist is not expected to continue with the presentation after the second bell. Presentation is followed by 2 minutes interaction of the students with the judges and with other child scientists.


13.     Who will be eligible for grace marks?


All the members of the National level winning team of NCSC studying in State Syllabus are only eligible for grace marks at 10th and 12th Standard. A child scientist will get the grace mark in the year when he appears for the 10th or 12th level exams.


14.      In which language is the project to be written?


The Project can be written and presented in Malayalam or English. If the project is in Malayalam, one copy of the abstract in English should be attached along with the project report.