Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024

World No-Tobacco Day

The concept of World No-Tobacco Day was initiated because millions of people die each year around the world owing to tobacco consumption and abuse. In 1988, the World Health Assembly passed another resolution calling for May 31 to be celebrated as “World No- Tobacco Day” every year.

Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is well known that half the people who smoke regularly today – about 650 million people – will eventually be killed by tobacco. Equally alarming is the fact that hundreds of thousands of people who have never smoked die each year from diseases caused by breathing second-hand tobacco smoke


Purpose of celebrating World No-Tobacco Day is to:

• Increase public awareness regarding hazards of tobacco use and abuse.

• Inform consumers about the business strategies of tobacco industry and trade.

• Spread the message about WHO initiatives for anti-tobacco campaigns.

• Promote healthy lifestyle and habits among people. 

• Device ways to protect the future generations from tobacco abuse


Themes for World No Tobacco Day since 1990:

2024 - Protecting children from tobacco industry interference

2023 - We need food, not tobacco

2022 - Protect the Environment

2021 - Quit tobacco to be a winner

2020 - Protecting youth from industry manipulation and preventing them from tobacco and nicotine use  

2019 - Tobacco and Lung Health  

2018 - Tobacco and Heart Disease  

2017 - Tobacco - a threat to development 

2016 - Get ready for plain packaging 

2015 - Stop illicit trade of tobacco products

2014 - Raise taxes on tobacco

2013 - Ban tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

2011 - The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

2010 - Gender and tobacco with an emphasis on marketing to women

2009 - Tobacco Health Warnings

2008 - Tobacco-free youth

2007 - Smoke free inside

2006 - Tobacco: deadly in any form or disguise

2005 - Health professionals against tobacco

2004 - Tobacco and poverty, a vicious circle

2003 - Tobacco free film, tobacco free fashion

2002 - Tobacco free sports

2001 - Second-hand smoke kills

2000 - Tobacco kills, don't be duped

1999 - Leave the pack behind

1998 - Growing up without tobacco

1997 - United for a tobacco free world

1996 - Sport and art without tobacco: play it tobacco free

1995 - Tobacco costs more than you think

1994 - Media and tobacco: get the message across

1993 - Health services: our windows to a tobacco free world

1992 - Tobacco free workplaces: safer and healthier

1991 - Public places and transport: better be tobacco free

1990 - Childhood and youth without tobacco: growing up without tobacco

1989-  Women and tobacco: the female smoker: at added risk

1988  Tobacco or Health: choose health

1987 - 1st  Olmypics which is Smoke free


World No Tobacco Day quotes

  • “Giving up tobacco is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I’ve done it thousands of times.” Mark Twain
  • “Tobacco kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.” Brooke Shield
  • “The True Face of Tobacco Is disease, death and horror- not the glamour and sophistication the pushers in the tobacco industry try to portray.” David Byrne
  • “Much smoking kills live men and cures dead swine.” George D. Prentice
  • “The best way to stop smoking is to just stop – no ifs, ands or butts.” Edith Zittler
  • “Cigarettes are killers that travel in packs.” Author Unknown
  • “Quoting like Tobacco is the dirty habit to which i am devoted.” Carolyn Heilbrun