മ്മിനിസ്റ്റ്ര്യ് ഒഫ് ഏന്വിരൊന്മെന്റ് & ഫൊരെസ്റ്റ്സ്, ഗ്ഗൊവ്റ്റ
Printed Date: 14 பெப்ரவரி 2025
Endangered plants
Scientific Name: Dipterocarpus bourdillonii
Species Authority: Brandis
Native: India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Range Description: A large tree endemic to the Western Ghats, occurring principally in Kerala, with one or two occurrences extending into Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.
Habitat and Ecology: Lowland evergreen forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Hopea erosa
Species Authority: (Beddome) Slooten
Native: India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Range Description: Known only from very few scattered records at the southern end of the Western Ghats.
Habitat and Ecology: The species is confined to lowland evergreen forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientifiic Name: Vateria macrocarpa
Species Authority: B.L. Gupta
Native: India (Kerala)
Range Description: An extremely localized species in the Western Ghats.
Habitat and Ecology: Occurring in pure stands in evergreen forest at 1,200 m.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Ixora johnsonii
Species Authority: Hook.f.
Native: India (Kerala)
Population: It is not known whether the species is still extant
Range Description: Known only from an imprecisely recorded location in the vicinity of Ernakulam on the Kerala coast.
System: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Syzygium palghatense
Species Authority:Gamble
Native: India (Kerala)
Habitat and Ecology: A large tree from montane forest.
Population: Recorded in the last century, it has not been found since. The habitat is considerably reduced in extent and it is unknown whether the species is still extant.
Range Description: Endemic to the Palghat Hills.
System: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Dialium travancoricum
Species Authority: Bourd.
Native: India (Kerala)
Range Description: Endemic to a small area in the Travancore range, occurring at Ponmudi and Ariankavu.
Population: It appears to have become extremely scarce. No collections have been made in the last 100 years. Only small remnants of forest now exist within its former range.
Habitat and Ecology: A large tree of lowland forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Major Threat(s): Forest cutting.
Scientific Name: Vatica chinensis
Species Authority: Linn
Native: India (Karnataka, Kerala); Sri Lanka
Range Description: No records were made during the extensive forest surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996 for the National Conservation Review, suggesting that the species is either extremely rare or possibly extinct in Sri Lanka. In India, it is scattered in the Western Ghats.
Habitat and Ecology: Evergreen rainforest, often occurring in patches near freshwater swamps and rivers.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientific Name:Poeciloneuron pauciflorum
Species Authority: Beddome
Native: India (Kerala, Tamil Nadu)
Range Description: This species was collected just two or three times in 19th century in Travancore and Tirunelveli.
Population: It was once a useful timber. Recent botanical surveys have failed to locate any specimens. It is not known for certain whether the species is now extinct.
Habitat and Ecology: Evergreen hill forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Major Threat(s): The habitat has been severely reduced in extent.
Scientific Name: Hopea jacobi
Species Authority: C. Fischer
Native: India (Karnataka)
Range Description: Used to occur in Kodugu in the Western Ghats.
Population: It may now be extinct.
Habitat and Ecology: A relatively small dipterocarp found only once in evergreen forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Aglaia malabarica
Species Authority: N.Sasidharan
Native: India (Kerala)
Range Description: Restricted to the type locality in northern Kerala. There is also a second field record of an occurrence further north in Wayanad.
Population: A fairly common tree where it occurs.
Habitat and Ecology: Evergreen forest.
Systems: Terrestrial
Scientific Name: Buchanania barberi
Species Authority: Gamble
Native: India (Kerala)
Range Description: Known only from the type locality at Nadari, Travancore District.
Population: It has not been recorded since colonial times.
Habitat and Ecology: A hill forest species.
Systems: Terrestrial
Source: http://www.iucnredlist.org/