Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025

Eco Tips

Tips for an Eco-friendly life in Home: 





Use mug instead of running tap while brushing teeth.   

While taking bath, don't use shower run for long.

While watering plants, instead of running hose, use water cane.

Don't allow water overflow from the over head tank.

Use a toilet flush which consumes less water.    

Don’t buy loud crackers during Deepawali

Carry cloth,jute or paper bag to the market.

For washing floor,Don't use running hose use mop and bucket.

Use dustbin for garbage disposal.

Don't junk things break rather think to fix them.

Plant a garden. Even in urban settings, you can grow herbs and flowers in pots.

Avoid unnecessary use of lights and fans.

Wear extra-layer of clothes at home instead of turning up the heater.

Don't louder the volume of your TV, radio and music system.

While shaving, use mug instead running hose.

Never leave food residue in your plate uneaten.

If you have a choice, pick paper bags over plastic bags at the grocer and elsewhere if you do take plastic bags, wash and reuse them.

Don't over packaged’ goods and foods. Containers and packaging make up about a quarter of the waste stream




Tips to control vehicular pollution 






Do you really need to drive a car everywhere? Walk to work, or ride a bicycle

Don't use extensively your private vehicles; try to use public transportation whenever possible.

Carpool. Two - or four - can ride as cheaply as one.

Avoid congested road and rush hours.

Get a valid pollution under control certificate from authorized testing centre.

Don’t idle away energy. Beyond one minute, it is more fuel - efficient to restart your car

Clean up your act. Keep automobiles fuel filters clean and save the fuel.

Don't forget to Keep your vehicle tuned up. When a vehicle is running well, it uses nine per cent less fuel and thus emits fewer toxic and noxious fumes.

Clean the air filter and oil filter regularly.

Don't try to replicate mechanical works and experiment with your car.

Clean the carbon deposit from silencer.

Don't forget to replace your old battery with new battery when it required.

Maintain recommended tyre pressure.

            Don't use clutch pedal as footrest.




Tips for Prevention and Control of Water Pollution 







Reuse of water whenever possible, Kitchen water can be used for watering the plants

Don't keep on the tap running while having, bath, brushing teeth, or washing dishes it wastes about 2 liters of water every minute.

Plan your kitchen activity to avoid wastage of fuel and water.


Don’t hose down your lawn or corridor to clean it. Sweep it off.

Fix leaks promptly. A dripping joint can waste more than 76 litters of water a day.

Don’t wash the clothes and kitchen utensils in the water bodies

Take showers instead of baths. Showers use less water - if you limit them to five minutes. Install low-flow shower-heads.

Don’t litter. When camping, keep the areas clean.

Plastic materials can be a murder weapons for wildlife, minimise their use. Blown from land and roadsides, they often end up in the water, where they can entangle and kill birds and fishes.

Avoid throwing flowers, sweets, puja materials into a river. It will degrade the quality of water. The river won’t be happy with this.

Use sprinkler for irrigation.


Avoid throughing dead bodies in a river. This will ultimately landing in the mouth of dogs, vultures & other animals.Do you like it to happen with your bodies.

Use scientific method of application fertilizers.

Never dump anything into the water bodies.

Run your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer only when you have full loads. When possible, use an outdoor clothesline instead of clothes dryer.

Avoid use of weedicides




Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution 







Always maintain your motor vehicle and its exhaust silencer in proper condition

Avoid using horns except at emergencies.

Ensure that your Diesel Generator Set is provided with acoustic enclosure which gives a reduction of a minimum 25 dBA (as per the provisions of the Govt. of India notification GSR 371(E), dated May 17,2002.

Avoid use of multi toned/air horns in your vehicle.

Ask for copy of valid type approval certificate from the dealer while purchasing portable petrol/kerosene generator sets (as per Govt. of India notification viz. GSR 742(E), dated September 25, 2000, which prescribes noise standards for petrol/kerosene generator sets).

Do not install Diesel Generator Sets without prior approval of the competent authority, if required by local laws

Keep the volume of the loudspeaker or sound amplification system low so as not to annoy your neighbors

Avoid use of loudspeaker in the open.

Ensure that the sound from your music system is played at volume which does not disturb your neighbor.

Do not use loudspeaker or any sound amplification system between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M., except in closed premises.

Play fire-crackers only outdoors in large open areas and community level.

Do not make your neighbor a captive listener to your music system.

Purchase only those fire-crackers that comply the noise standards as provided by the Govt. of India regulation GSR 682(E),dated October 5, 1999.

Do not play fire-crackers between 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.




Energy Conservation







Clean the condenser coils on the back or bottom of your refrigerator once a year. · Adjust your refrigerator to a less-cold setting.

Don't keep on the lights if you will be out of the room for 15 minutes or more.

Make maximum use of natural light.


Don't use electricity during day time Think about it - do you really need to turn on a light during the day.

If you use a radiator heat, put a reflector sheet behind the radiator. It keeps the heat from being absorbed by the wall.

Don't prefer incandescent light and replace energy efficient, compact fluorescent light tubes even if it cost more.



Reference: http://cpcb.nic.in